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Applied Quantum Computing

In recent years, an enormous progress in the field of Quantum Computing has taken place. Several small quantum computers are offered as a service in the cloud (QAAS) and quantum supremacy was called by Google in 2019 and again by a Chinese research group in 2020 using a photonic quantum computer. All over the world, governments and companies are investing heavily in quantum computing.   A quantum computer uses physical process such as superposition, interference and entanglement to compute in a totally different manner than a classical computer will do. When a full-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer is available, and programmed in the right way, it can exponentially speed up some computations, e.g. instead of thousand of years to factorize the public key used in the widely deployed RSA protocol, this can be done in a few hours.   Other possible applications can be found in simulation of chemical processes by computing, as precisely as possible, the interaction between molecules; making possible the discovery, in laboratories, of new material and drugs without costly trial and error. Other possible applications are foreseen in the domains of financial services, and logistics and transportation.   The minor on Applied Quantum Computing offers several courses on Quantum Computing and real world projects, initiated by partner companies, in a wide variety of fields such as: Quantum Machine Learning, Quantum Optimization, Post-Quantum Cryptography, etc.


At the end of the minor on Applied Quantum Computing, the student will:

  • Learn how to program a quantum computer, analyzing, implementing and testing state-of-the-art quantum algorithms.
  • Demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills gained from the courses into real world problem domains for which quantum computing can be beneficial.
  • Apply quantum computing technologies, within a specific project, for solving (or improving the solution of) specific problems proposed by our partners.
  • Appraise the value of the upcoming quantum computing technologies and its possible impact in the society.
  • Understand his/her role as a potential agent of change as well as his/her ability to have a positive impact in the industry by applying his/her newly learned knowledge and skills.


All HBO-ICT students meet the admission requirements. For students without an ICT background, provable affinity with IT or mathematics is required. If the requirement to prove affinity with IT or mathematics is applicable for you, please contact the minor coordinator ( 

The teaching and examination regulations of the Bachelor programme from your own course applies.


The following book will be the main reference during the minor:

  • Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach, Jack Hidary, 2nd. Edition.

Additionally, it is possible to find more useful information on several other sources,  such as:

  • Quantum Computing for Everyone, Chris Bernhardt, 1st. Edition.
  • Quantum Computing and Quantum Information, Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang, 10th.

    Anniversary Edition.


The official rooster will be announced, approximately, 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester.

16 hours per week.


During a bootcamp (approximately three weeks), consisting of the Quantum Mathematics course (2 ECTS)  and the Quantum Computing Introduction course (4 ECTS), you will learn the necessary mathematics for understanding how quantum computers work, how to analyze and implement basic quantum algorithms and the used programming environment.   In the fourth week, the Quantum Project course (15 ECTS) starts. Small teams of students develop solutions for real world problems as proposed by companies, governmental, educational and research organisations.   Simultaneously, the Quantum Computing Advanced course (3 ECTS) elaborates on more advanced algorithms that will be needed for the students while working on their corresponding projects.   In the second period, the Quantum Stack course (3 ECTS) is offered, focusing on several subjects related to hardware, error correction and all the way up to applications. In the Quantum Capita Selecta course (3 ECTS) other aspects of Quantum Technology such as Quantum Key Distribution, Quantum Random Number Generation, Societal Impact, Quantum Sensing, etc. are presented.  

The different courses will be evaluated by means of practical exercises, portfolio presentations, research papers and assessment of the professional products. Each course has its own evaluation schema.

30 ects in total

Aanvullende informatie

Old minor name:
Minor Applied  Quantum Computing

Kies-op-Maat applicants:

All HBO-ICT students meet the admission requirements. For students without an ICT background, provable affinity with IT or mathematics is required. If the requirement to prove affinity with IT or mathematics is applicable for you, please contact the minor coördinator:

Questions about this minor?

Questions about the Kies-Op-Maat procedure?
Contact Caress Gougon:

Applications will be processed in the order of receipt of signed learning agreements.